Welcome to our new friends!At Children's House Nursery School we know the importance of getting the first few weeks right for our children and families. Key people focus on building relationships with families and ensuring children begin to develop an attachment to them or another significant person in school. We focus on making sure children know where there classroom is, their peg, the toilets, the garden and for our first floor children, we support them using the staircase (whey you're three years old, it can seem like a long way!) Children begin to form relationships with staff, with their peers and understand the routines of school life and our Children's House Values. It has been wonderful to see our older children return, so responsibly and make new friendship groups, use their voices and help us to settle new friends! We have a few more weeks of new starters: already children are showing their interests and staff are able to assess stages of development and plan next steps. Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022At Children's House we are very sad to learn of the death of the Queen. Earlier this year we celebrated her Platinum Jubilee and celebrated joyfully (we also got an extra day with our families to celebrate!) Children painted pictures, read books, made flags and cakes and we had a wonderful garden party. The sun even shone and we enjoyed a visit from someone who looked very much like the Queen and her corgi! This morning as we wake up with grey skies, we remember a lady who showed great resilience and composure. We also remember someone who laughed (and may have kept marmalade sandwiches in her handbag, like Paddington). We will talk to the children about the Queen, her life, her death and the new King. We will do it with joy and respect, not sadness. If you have any questions or need any support, please ask your key person. Buckingham Palace will be busy, but maybe a trip on the Elizabeth Line with a marmalade sandwich might be a nice way for you and your child to mark the passing of the monarch. Making pictures of the QueenMany children had heard about the death of the Queen before they arrived at school. Staff gave children tie and space to talk, ask questions and play.
Some children chose to come to look at the photographs of the Queen we had provided: they talked, asked questions and drew pictures. Please enjoy the wonderful pictures, words and thinking of some of the children below. We will inform families of any closures that we are advised about once we hear. 10 days of mourning has now started. |
Our BlogThe blog is updated regularly with a range of learning from across our wonderful school. All the rich learning experiences the children have been involved in will be in their Special Books so please do borrow those regularly. Archives
February 2025