We have long understood that Children's House Nursery School is at the centre of the local community: that is because YOU, our lovely families are so supportive and join in the life of the school.
As our school celebrates its 100th year (1923-2023) here in Bow, we wanted to create new memories for our school community. Last week the children really made us proud: their behaviour as they took part in the 100 Metre Sponsored Walk was INCREDIBLE! The main building children walked with staff and some wonderful volunteers to the local football pitch which Darren had decorated with bunting. Children were so sensible and careful crossing the road and navigating the outside world. Staff made the event so much fun: some children had pom poms, others had made posters, others cheered "Go, go go!" for their friends. And guess what? They walked much further than 100 metres - some of them walked 700 metres! Our wonderful Red Building friends walked, ran, skipped and jumped up and down the playground in school and they also certainly managed more than 200 metres each. The sponsorship money you raised will be used for resources for the children in school (books and creative resources) and a proportion will go towards our fun day celebration to which you are all invited on Saturday 29 June 10am-1pm here at Children's House! Sabiya and I counted the pounds and pennies and you helped to raise a whopping £993.53! That is incredible! Thank you for joining in and giving - we appreciate each and every one of you. Comments are closed.
Our BlogThe blog is updated regularly with a range of learning from across our wonderful school. All the rich learning experiences the children have been involved in will be in their Special Books so please do borrow those regularly. Archives
December 2024